
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Six Things to Love this Week

Six Things to Love this Week
Some of the things I love this week:

1. Corgis. These little dogs are so adorable! How could you not love them?! They are cute and have short stubby legs. When we eventually get a dog, this is they kind I'm going to get.

2. Sugar Cookie Bars from These look amazing! I haven't made them yet, but they are definitely on my list to make soon.

3. 8 Months Sober Maternity Tee. I don't normally drink even when I'm not pregnant, but I still think this shirt is funny. I'd buy it if I wasn't almost done now. It's so nice to know I only have 3 weeks left. If I wasn't having twins, I'd still have 7 weeks to go, probably 8 because Little Man was a week late.

4. Owl Pillow Boxes from I love owls, I have for a long time. These little boxes are super cute! She did such a great job making them and I love the colors as well!

5. Turquoise. The color. Lately I love it for anything, wall colors, clothing, nail polish, my iPad cover. I have a bunch of great photos I wanted to use, but I only had room for one in the collage.

6. Red Hair. I really want to dye my hair a similar color. I'm going to after the babies are born and once I am done losing my hair. Last time I lost so much hair, pretty sure it was way more than normal. Now it's finally grown back all the way and I'm hoping I can keep more of it this time!

Six Things to Love This Week

(Linking to some of these lovely parties)


  1. The T shirt is so funny! The corgis are really adorable! and one of my wedding colors is Turquoise.LoL

    Have a nice day! Hugs!!

    1. They are the cutest! and good choice on wedding colors, what are the other colors you picked? Hope you have a great week!

  2. Ha! What a funny t-shirt. I love the actress Joanna Garcia, and whenever I see her, I want to dye my hair red too.

    The Grass Skirt

    1. You should dye it! Red hair is always great :) I have red hair naturally, just not that bright red!

  3. OMG that dog is so cute!!
    Just found your blog!!
    Now following!
    Looking forward to keeping up and getting to know you!


    1. Isn't he adorable!? Your blog is lovely as well :) Hope you have a great week!

  4. I have fallen in love with turquoise & mint this year . I would have had red hair but my mum has got a stop over it . Good luck for you ;)
    Noor @ Noor's Place

    1. It's such a lovely color, isn't it? Maybe someday you will get your red hair ;)

  5. i love this six things to love this week. i might have to steal it. rookie question--how did you lay the photos out like that/ the layout is beautiful!

    1. I'm glad you like it! I used to create the collage, it's really simple to use, you'll have to check it out! I just found out about it myself.

  6. Sounds great. I love the six things to love. Will be back next week to read again. Glad I found your blog on the Linkin With My Ladies hop. ;)

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :) hope you have a great weekend!

  7. I want that 8 months sober tee!!

  8. It's such a lovely color! Thanks for visiting :) I hope you have a great weekend as well!

  9. Corgis are such cute dogs! And turquoise is a color I LOVE to wear :). Thnaks for sharing with us @ My Favorite Posts SHOW OFF Weekend Blog Party!

    The Wondering Brain
