
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Floyd's Salad: The Perfect Summer Salad

Floyd's Jello Salad: The Perfect Summer Salad

This yummy jello salad is similar to other orange jello salads that I've seen, but in my opinion, it's the best one! Why is it called Floyd's Salad? It's a family recipe that I got from my Mother and she, in turn, got from her Mother. A gentleman named Floyd used to always bring it to church potlucks, and this is what her family has always known it as. Now we all call it Floyd's Salad.

This salad is very easy to put together and it tastes delicious! It's perfect for your summer picnics. I am not a fan of jello or jello salad type things or anything like that, this is the only one that I love, so you know it has to be good! I made this for little man's birthday party this past weekend and it was a big hit.

Floyd's Jello Salad 

  • 8 ounce container Cool Whip
  • 24 ounces Cottage Cheese
  • 20 ounce can Crushed Pineapple
  • 15 ounce can Mandarin Oranges
  • (2) 3 ounce packages Orange Jello

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, do not dissolve Jello, just add in the dry powder. Refrigerate for 24 hours before serving. Enjoy!

(Linking to some of these lovely parties)


  1. It surely looks yum . I am sure it's one of a great summer treat .

  2. Hi Stephanie
    I'm Angel and I'm co-hosting with you on Raising Imperfection this Sunday. I'm your newest follower. Your blog is awesome and I've enjoyed reading your blogs. Hope you will visit me and return the follows.

    1. Thanks! I'm excited to be co-hosting :) I'll be sure to check out your blog as well!

  3. Hi Stephanie, was passing through june blog hop and found her blog. Beautiful, love your design and title! I am following you and looking forward to reading your post. Hope you get a chance to check out my blog. anita x

    1. That's great! I'm glad you liked it :) I'll be sure to check out your blog as well!

  4. Oh I wanted to mention that floyds salad looks so good! yum :)
