
Thursday, June 6, 2013

DIY Cake Banner

DIY Cake Banner

I've seen these cake banners all over Pinterest so I decided to try to make one for Little Man's birthday cake. If you saw my post on Monday with pictures from his party, you probably already saw the cake that I made. It was pretty easy to make these cute little banners, I printed them out from the computer but you could easily just cut out triangles from colored cardstock instead. If you like the red and yellow banners I used, I have a link to download them or just make your own! I made mine 1.5 inches wide.

Here is what you will need before making these banners:
  • Printout of triangles or colored cardstock
  • Push pin
  • String
  • 2 bamboo skewers
  • Scissors
DIY Cake Banner
1. Cut out the triangles you printed or make a pattern to trace onto the cardstock and cut out as many triangles as you need.

2. Use the push pin to make holes in each corner of the triangles.
DIY Cake BannerWiggle it around so that the holes are big enough for the string to fit through.

3. Cut a length of string that will be long enough and thread through the triangles from front to back.

4. Tie each end of the string of triangles to a bamboo skewer. Trim the excess string with scissors.

5. Stick the skewers into the cake and enjoy how awesome your cake looks!

DIY Cake Banner

(Linking to some of these lovely parties)


  1. Hey there! I'm stopping by from the blog hop. Your blog is cute & I love the layout. You did a great job and the cake. I'm a new follower through twitter. Pinterest. & Bloglovin. Please stop by to say hi if you get a moment.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'll be sure to check out your blog :)

  2. Would love for you to share this at my link party where we pin all those who join to our party board

  3. Love this!! Thanks for sharing. :) I found you through the link up and i really look forward to following a long and getting to know more about you. :) Much love!

    1. Thanks for stopping by :) I'm now following your blog as well!

  4. I have been trying to figure out how to make one of these for my daughter's cake. I want to put her name on it! This looks easy enough. Thanks for the tutorial.


    1. Yeah it's not very hard at all! Thanks for stopping by :) Hope you have a great week!

  5. Very clever! I am co-hosting Diana's Pin Me party this week and would like to invite you over to link up at Party In Polka Dots. It's a Monday party and is LIVE right now!


    1. Thanks! I'll check out your party right now :)

  6. This is so cute :)
    And love the colors on the cake.

  7. So adorable! You did such a good time ;) Thank you so much for sharing at Give Me The Goods Monday!
    Jamie @ Better With Age

  8. I just saw your blog on the VMG206 blog. I'm always looking for a new idea and your cake with the banner is one.
    I would love it if you would link up with us at my weekly Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'll check out your blog hop :)
