
Sunday, May 19, 2013

31 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

31 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
31 weeks already! I got a call from my doctor this week telling me that we could move my c-section date up a week. Since I know that research shows it is best to deliver mo/di twins at 36 weeks, I was thankful she changed her mind. So now my new date is June 26th! Only 38 more days. That sounds like it will be here way too fast! I'm getting nervous about the surgery already.

Want to know what those two little peanuts are up to this week? Check it out:
  • Weight is more than 3 pounds and Height is about 18 inches long. 
  • They can track light and hear distinct sounds.
  • They can perceive signals from all five senses as well.
  • Fat continues to build under their skin and they will quickly gain weight in the next few weeks.
  • Digestive tract and lungs are almost mature and the lungs are able to inflate properly.
  • Toenails and fingernails are fully formed and they could accidentally scratch themselves already.
I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions lately, but I probably just need to drink more water. Otherwise everything is still pretty much the same as last week. I was measuring 36 weeks at my last doctor's appointment, so that's only about 6 weeks ahead which is pretty small compared to some twin mommas. I also only gained about 1 pound in two weeks so its probably just the babies growing. I'm hoping my weight gain stays about the same until the end. I didn't get an ultrasound this time, so I don't know how big the boys are measuring but next week we will find out. After that I will go every week.

In other news, little man turned 11 months old this past week! He is getting to be such a big boy already. He is getting into everything that he can and loves pulling things out of the cupboards. He loves cars and trucks, both toys and in real life and has started to say "car" when he sees one. It's so cute! His other favorite thing to do is look at books (and try to eat them). He gets so excited when we read them together.

(Linking to some of these lovely parties)


  1. Good luck with these last few bits of the pregnancy! Your other little baby is a boy now!

  2. He's adorable! I am not ready for another... yet I'm having one. I wonder if I can get my due date moved up LOL. To take off a couple of weeks would be so nice.

    Hope you're feeling well.

    New follower from Sunday Sync!

    1. lol yeah I know what you mean :) things get a little rough towards the end

  3. Hang in there Mama, you're almost there!
    You're newest follower, Penny Lane

  4. I'm thirty weeks, but just with one baby :) I'm coming over from S&S link party and I'm excited to follow along. Can't wait to see those twins!


    1. Only a week behind me :) We get to meet our babies soon!

  5. OH my gosh I am also 30 weeks but with just one! YOu are amazing! So glad to be following you! And we should get a picture mama!!!

    1. Thanks for the follow :) I'll be sure to check out your blog as well! Good luck with your pregnancy :) 30 weeks is so close to the end now!

  6. Congratulations on making it as far as you have. Those weights are really great. I love updates like this and comparing them to the size of fruit.

    I had mono/di twins and fraternal twins... at the same time (triplets). Can't wait to enjoy the journey with you. Let me know if you have any questions. My kids are now 3.5 years old.

    Thanks for the BlogLovin follow, I'm a new follower of yours too.

    Want some new friends? I’d love it if you linked up to my weekly BlogLovin Hop (

    Looking forward to connecting further.

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo

    1. Triplets! I can't even imagine lol, it's hard enough with two in there :) My babies have been on the small side this whole time, so I'm hoping they are at least 5 pounds when they are born.

      Thanks for the follow back! I did end up linking up at your blog hop :)

  7. Wow. This is exactly where I am with my modi girls right now. I'm hoping for a couple of five pounders too.

    1. I hope everything goes good with the rest of your pregnancy! Isn't it rough? I couldn't wait to be done with it! Now my boys are three months old and super cute :D I'm sure you can't wait to meet your girls as well! <3 Oh and my boys ended up being 5.7 and 4.14 at 36w3d.
