
Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Day at the County Fair

Last week when the boys were still stuck in the hospital, we took little man to the county fair. I was very excited to go since I have lived here for over 10 years and have never been to it before. Of course it was really hot out and I had to sit and rest quite often. We didn't do any of the rides, little man is too young for that and we didn't buy anything...not quite as exciting as I was expecting. It probably doesn't help that I was comparing it to the Minnesota State Fair. 

 We saw lots of animals and little man loved that. He especially loved the cows. When he gets excited about something he kind of shrieks and talks loudly about it, which is what he was doing the entire walk through the cow barn. It was so cute! Let's see...we saw some plants and some 4-H stuff. That's about it. Still it was fun and I think little man enjoyed it. 

I can't believe he is 13 months old already! The boys were three weeks last week and will be one month old this Friday. Time sure is flying by. My little boy even took his first accidental steps in the last couple of weeks. I don't think he knew what he was doing. He is just about ready to start walking though! He has been a bit jealous of the babies, especially when I am holding one of them. When I am home by myself he tries to get into things he's not supposed to right when I'm feeding them. Otherwise he has been a very good boy as usual and he seems to be getting more used to having two new babies around. 

My three handsome boys!

As for the babies, they are doing great! Growing nicely as they should be and eating pumped breast milk. I've been working on breastfeeding but Connor won't latch at all and Hunter doesn't seem to eat very much when he does and ends up wanting to eat again an hour later. So I'm still pumping every 3-4 hours, but my supply is great - I get 7-10 ounces each time and our freezer is already overflowing because we don't have much room. A couple of days ago my horrible cat chewed up part of my pump, so now instead of a double one I have a single and it takes twice as long as it did before! I should get the parts in the mail sometime this week though. 

It's going to be hard to tell them apart in pictures

Last night Hunter only woke up once during the night to eat and Connor woke up twice! Which means Hunter slept almost 5 hours and Connor usually sleeps around 4 hours at a time. I think it will get better soon, this past week was pretty rough as far as sleep goes. It certainly makes a huge difference when I have help during the night instead of doing it all myself! I am really going to be looking forward to the weekends for awhile now...


(I might be linking to some of these lovely parties)


  1. Oh my goodness - your twins are changing so fast already! Love the pictures. Looks and sounds like a super fun event for the little guy.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

    1. They are! It's amazing how fast those babies grow :)

  2. Aww! Your family is beautiful! My mom had twins {myself & my brother} and I have no idea how she did it because my dad worked at night. I'm stopping by from the blog hop. I hope you've had a great weekend.

    1. Thank you! Wow that would be hard, you guys must have turned out alright though :P Have a great week!

    2. Awww, your boys are just so adorable. And I do not know how you have the energy to get out and do things already. You just had twins and you're back out there going to fairs and getting back in shape! Just wanted you to know I think you're awesome. :)

    3. Aww thank you! My surgery and recovery went so great this time, I felt completely normal the day after :)

  3. Stephanie,

    Linking with Babies and Beyond and you are my neighbor. Your twins and little boy are beautiful. I will echo the comment, where do you find the energy for a work out and the fair? I guess it is fair time, I also went to the fair this week - mine was in western NY. Kim

    1. Thank you! Fairs are so much fun! Ours is out in North Dakota :)

  4. I can't believe your twins only woke up once in the night! My almost-6-week-old has only done that once! Good for them :)

    I'm also you pump with an electric one? And do you use it on both sides at a time? <-- Sorry that's only relevant to ONE thing you said. I focused in!

    The picture at the top with the space suit is just adorable.

    1. They did good that night, but since then it has been a lot more often, lol. As far as pumping, I use a double electric one, it seems to work good so far :)

      Sorry I took forever to answer! I'm trying to catch up on comments!
