
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Favorite Television Shows This Season

It's another hot, humid and cloudy day today. I wish we would get a nice big storm or something! It seems like it's going to but it just never does. We could really use the rain. It rained a tiny bit the other day, but we need a lot more than that. Some areas around us had baseball-sized hail, which we can do without. We just need the thunder, lightning and rain part of it! 

All three babies are sleeping, I probably should be too, but every time I try to take a nap during the day, I get super lazy and sleepy and spend the rest of the day trying to stay awake. It's better that I don't even take one! I will spend the time writing this blog post instead. The poor babies had their two month check up yesterday and of course they got some shots as well. So they've had a fever all night and still don't feel good today. 

Everything is so different with them than it was with my first little guy. He never got a fever or was cranky or anything after his shots. Their skin is much more sensitive than his ever was. In the evenings they tend to get really fussy and sometimes like to scream and cry for no reason and nothing will settle them down. Little man was never like that, I think he might have been the perfect baby. Or maybe I'm forgetting how things really were...that is always possible. 

We have been working with little man to get him to practice walking. He has taken his first few steps already, and he stands on his own just fine, he just seems to be scared to actually walk by himself. He has started walking on his knees lately, it's quite funny. I'm sure he will start walking any day now.

Since my husband works so much and by the time he gets home we have to eat dinner, give baths and get the kids to bed, the only thing we really have time to do in the evening is watch some TV. The great thing is we both like the same shows. How cool is that? Here are the shows that we will be watching this season and some we have been watching this summer. They are listed from my favorite to least favorite.  

1. The Walking Dead: This one I just started watching since the end of the last season and I love it. Never thought I would like it.

2. Sherlock: So excited for this one! If you haven't seen it you have to.

3. New Girl: Hilarious and weird, that's why I like it.

4. Under the Dome: Summer show, not much like the book at all, but still very good

5. Once Upon a Time: I am in love with fairy tales, so this is the perfect show for me

6. Supernatural: I didn't like this show that much at first, but after watching all the seasons on Netflix, I'm kind of hooked

7. Castle: My husband's favorite and it is pretty good.

8. Bones: Getting a little old after being on so long, but I am still a fan

9. Dexter: I've only seen the last couple of seasons, but I want to watch the first ones. I wish it was still on Netflix. This one is also a summer show.

10. The Big Bang Theory: Another of my husband's favorites. I watch it mostly because he does, but it's pretty funny at times.

11. Burn Notice: Another summer show, very far-fetched but awesome at the same time

12. How I Met Your Mother: Loved the first few seasons so much, but it has gotten a little meh lately...

(Click on the photos for sources)

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  1. Supernatural! Dean Winchester! I love it. I love the impala, the whole brother relationship (Sam and Dean), Cas and the soundtrack. I've watched since season 1 aired in the uk right up to now. Sherlock is brilliant, probably my second favourite.

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

    1. Yes they do have great music on that show! I can't wait for Sherlock, although I'm not sure when it's going to be on...hopefully I find out in time to record it, lol

  2. I love Bones, Castle and The Big Bang Theory! I can't wait for the fall shows to return!

    Emily @ Love, Pasta and a Tool Belt

  3. I think The walking dead is really good. But i stopped watching it because i started getting nightmares about zombies loll I may go back to watching it. I love love love Once upon a time. It is such a unique show . Love it. I mean who doesn't love fairytales? Great post. :)

    Maryam @Muslimahluvsmakeup

    1. Yeah I had zombie nightmares too, every single night after I watched it, lol. I think my brain got used to it after the first season though, because then they stopped :)

  4. Agree with you on How I Met Your Mother being ehh lately. They need to step it up for this last season (I think right?).

    1. Yeah it's the last season, I hope it's good this year!

  5. Funny I scroll down your list and I'm saying hopefully we see one show that is the same and nothing on this list

  6. Oh I hope the babies feel better soon. :( Our little guy was always crankier next day. I started trying to get his appts on Friday since we'd have the weekend to recover.

    I'm saddened to report my tv time is do minimal. My favorite show is NCIS. My hubby does love Castle but I've never watched it. And as much as I love Zooey, I haven't watched that show - I totally should. Have you ever listened to her music? We love it, it's called "She and Him."

    1. I never have listened to her music, I should check it out. It's probably better not to watch so much TV anyways ;)

  7. Hope the babies settle down a little for you, our first boy was such a fussy baby so I am prepared for the worst with two! I love evenings in, curled up watching television. Our television always seems to get much better during Autumn so I'm looking forward to Sherlock and we always have some New Girl or Big Bang to hand. We keep meaning to start Dexter and Breaking Bad but we never have as much time as we used to, or I fall asleep :)

    1. lol yeah half the time I fall asleep too and then my husband has to tell me what happened at the end of the show :P Since your first was fussy maybe you will get a break with your twins, you can always hope at least! Our first was not fussy at all, so I guess the twins are making up for that :)

  8. New Girl is hilarious! and Sherlock is so good! I've been wanting to start watching Supernatural on netflix!

    1. You should watch Supernatural! Since there's like 8 seasons it took us a long time to get through it all even with watching 2 or 3 episodes a night lol

  9. Hi Stephanie,
    We get most of these shows in UK but some are slightly behind in season episodes. I like 2,3,4, 6(love this show), 7(my son's teacher is married to Jonthan M Woodward from shows like Buffy and Angel and appeared in Firefly with Nathan Fillian), 8 and 10.
