
Sunday, July 7, 2013

An Update on My Boys

My two little boys are 11 days old today and still in the hospital. They are still doing great, it just seems like it takes forever for them to make any progress. The only thing they are both working on is eating and maintaining body temperature. I'm hoping they can come home this week sometime because they are both eating their bottles great and are being weaned out of the isolette (which controls the temperature) and into cribs. Last night they were even wearing clothes!

Since they are 38 weeks gestational age today, I think they will be able to be out anytime now. Their doctor is very conservative about feeding, which is a little frustrating. I am planning on breastfeeding them, and have been pumping every 3 hours since they were born. I don't know how people pump exclusively for so long sometimes, I already hate doing it! I am getting 6-7 ounces each time though, so our freezer is already full of milk because they have been eating very little amounts. They finally raised the amounts yesterday and they can now eat up to 50 mL. 

My c-section recovery has been great. It is about 100 times better than my first one. I felt completely normal the day after the surgery and went home 3 days after it. I haven't had any pain at all and only have to take ibuprofen because for some weird reason my neck got really sore and stiff a few days afterwards. My legs are still swollen with fluids from the surgery, but I think they might be getting slightly better today. So I am very happy with that whole experience. I just wish my babies were home with me already...

Here are some pictures we took last night when we were visiting, aren't they little cuties!?


Connor was smiling in his sleep




(I might be linking to some of these lovely parties)


  1. Awww they are seriously the cutest :) <3 hope they get to come home soon!

  2. So precious! Thanks for updating us. I know they will continue to progress and be home in no time. Your babies look great and glad to know you are doing good!

    New Mama Diaries

    1. Thanks! They did end up coming home a couple of days ago! I hope you have a great week :)

  3. awe congrats on your boys!! I hope they get out soon =)

  4. I cannot handle the cuteness! That picture of Connor smiling is just too cute! I hate that you are having to wait this out, but stick with the pumping! Pretty soon you will have your boys laying up against you for feeding time! :) Thinking of you and your little family!

    1. Thank you so much! I think they are adorable too! Hope you are having a great week!

  5. Those baby smiles just melt my heart! So happy to hear that they are doing well!

  6. They are so precious. Glad to know they are eating well and should be home soon with mommy and daddy. Hang in there! The pumping is going to come in handy in the future.

    1. Thanks! It is hard to pump all the time, I'm hoping they learn how to breastfeed soon :)

  7. Congratulation from me..hope Connor will be ok..From Malaysia

    1. Stopping in from Social Sundays and saw your post. Congratulations! Your boys are beautiful! My LO spent 3 weeks in NICU after being born at 34 wks. Hard place to be, best of luck!


  8. Connor looks so happy in his last two pics and Hunter looks so healthy <3

  9. So cute, and that smile, make my heart melt! Congrats!

  10. Congrats! They're so adorable and I love their names!!!

  11. Hi,

    Linking up from Babies and Beyond. Your babies are just adorable. They will be home in no time. Have faith. My post is about triplets and the Lord turning their early weaknesses to strengths. It may bring you some strength. Praying for you. Kim

    1. Thanks so much, I will read it when I get a chance! It's been so busy lately :)

  12. They are adorable!! It looks like they are having very sweet dreams. :) I hope hey are able to come home soon. And good luck with breastfeeding, I know pumping is super hard.

    1. Thank you! Pumping is so hard, now that they are home I hope they will learn how to breastfeed soon! Hope you are having a good week :)

  13. So sweet! Praying they get to come home quickly! Thanks for linking-up at Babies and Beyond this week. Those boys are precious!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so excited because they did end up coming home a couple of days ago :) Hope you are having a great week!
