
Sunday, June 23, 2013

36 Weeks Pregnant with Twins! (Final Update)

I can't believe it! I made it to 36 weeks and only 3 more days to go! Wednesday is the big day for us, sadly it is not scheduled until noon, so I will have the whole morning to be nervous. Hopefully it doesn't get pushed back any further. 

The babies are still finding room to flip around. Baby A keeps going from head down to breech and back again. I had my last BPP on Friday and was told that both of them have quite a bit of hair! I  am so excited and curious to see what they look like and how big they will be! 

Twins at 36 Weeks

There is a supermoon today, the biggest "supermoon" of 2013, and they say that the full moon makes full-term pregnant women go into labor. What is a supermoon? Find out here! Are there really more babies born during a full moon? I have no idea, but I'm hoping these babies wait until Wednesday. The good news is, I'm pretty sure they will be waiting patiently. 

It still seems a little crazy to me that there are two babies in there. Since it's been two weeks since I took pictures, I took some more for this week. The last pictures before having them! These last few days are going to slow...but my mom and sisters will be coming up tomorrow so that should help. They will be watching little man while I'm in the hospital. This will be a rough week for him.

 I hope you all are having a great weekend!


(I might be linking to some of these lovely parties)


  1. I hope it goes great!! So happy you made it to 36 weeks that is wonderful !

  2. Wow! It's so close! Praying that you have a healthy and easy birth. Are you having a c-section or are you being induced?

    I carried my twins to 40 weeks and I still had to be induced because they just didn't want to come out!

    I remember when we checked in at the hospital and they handed me 3 charts (one for me and two for the babies), it really hit me at that moment that we were having 2 babies and all the emotions came (and tears too).

    They are now 2 years old and I still look at them some days and can't believe we were blessed with 2 at once!

    It was (and still is) an amazing experience!

    Blessings to you; I can't wait to read about their birth!

    1. I'm having a c-section, it's a little scary. I can't imagine carrying twins to 40 weeks! You must have been miserable. Twins are a great blessing though :) I hope you all have a good week!

  3. Wish you to have easy birth, evrething be ok and to enjoy your babyes!

  4. You look so lovely. I was a labor nurse for many years and twins were always my favorite :) I always hoped I'd have a set myself!

    1. Thank you, you are very sweet. It must have been fun to see all those babies!

  5. So exciting! You look so small for carrying twins! I've always wanted twins but haven't been blessed with that experience. Good luck!

    1. I'm very excited! (and nervous) Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. Good luck Momma! Can't wait to see the pictures of your new little ones!

  7. How exciting that you are so close to meeting your babies!

  8. You look wonderful! So close now!

    Wishing you a beautiful day.

    1. Thanks! I hope you have a great week as well :)

  9. How exciting! I wish for an easy delivery for you!

  10. Good luck with everything Stephanie.

  11. Yay so close!! Good luck, and praying for an easy fast delivery.

  12. Good luck! Thoughts and prayers for a safe delivery!

  13. Praying for you! :-)

  14. Praying! Hope you get to hold your lils bundles of joy!
    ~~Came here from the Petites @ Caravan Sonnet!
