
Monday, June 10, 2013

34 Weeks Pregnant with Twins! (An Update)

I can't believe it's been 34 weeks! I remember just finding out way back in November and July seemed sooo far away. Of course I don't have to wait until July, but back then I didn't know it was twins. I didn't find out until the middle of January when I (finally) went to my first appointment at 12 weeks. If my doctor hadn't done a quick ultrasound that day we wouldn't have even know until March, with my anatomy scan.

I had been joking all that time that there were two in there, but I wasn't serious. I never really thought that I would be right! Nothing seemed any different than with Little Man's pregnancy and I didn't even gain as much weight the first trimester like I did with him. When I found out they were twins I, of course, read everything I could find online about it.

Then the next week I found out they were sharing a placenta and were going to be identical! I had read of course about all the extra risks with having twins, the three different types of twins and TTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome) and so started worrying all the time. I had to keep telling myself that I can't control anything by worrying and that I need to just trust God that everything would be alright. Now here we are with just about two weeks left to go (or less) and no complications at all so far! Of course we aren't done yet, but I'm worrying a lot less now that we are so close and I'm being monitored every week.

Friday when I was doing the NST, I was having very regular contractions. The doctor said he doesn't think I will make it to 36 weeks with the amount of contractions I've been having, but we will see. Both the babies looked great though on both the NST and the BPP, which is awesome! Otherwise nothing really exciting is going on, just waiting for the end of the month and hanging out with Little Man.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! 

(Linking to some of these lovely parties)
My Joy-Filled Life


  1. Congratulations on twins!! Wishing you the best. Visiting from the blog hop.

  2. You are doubly blessed! All the best in these last weeks! Stopping over from the blog hop and new follower!

  3. Thanks for stopping by The Magnolia Barn today. exciting, congratulations!

  4. This is so awesome! It sounds like you know they are going to be born early? Are you being induced or c-section? Thanks for linking up with Mommy Mondays!

    1. Yes we are having a scheduled c-section. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great week :)

  5. Replies
    1. It is! And lots of work lol, hope you have a great week :)

  6. Wow, you do not look 34 weeks with 1 let alone 2! I am super jealous.

    So exciting that they will be here soon! I hope your little one is letting you rest while you can. :)

    1. Thanks, it's probably just the angle of the photo :P I'm very excited for them to get here! Hope you have a great week :)

  7. I wish my 34 week baby bump looked so cute. My twin pregnancies didn't do pretty things to me. Here is the link to my 36 week belly pictures: You don't have too much longer (I went to 36 weeks and 38 weeks with mine).

    1. Yeah it's weird, I thought I'd be much bigger with two in there. They must be really small. I can't imagine having two sets of twins though! Your girls are very cute :)

  8. New Follower! Your little bump is so cute!! I think I was that big carrying one baby...whoops lol Come check out my blog if you have a chance. I would love to chat :)

    1. Thanks for following! I am now following your blog as well :) Hope you have a great week!

  9. Thanks, I'll check it out :) Hope you have a great week!

  10. Checking out your blog from the blog hop! Love everything I'm seeing. Congrats on the boys! What a blessing. Now following. :))

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad you like it :) We are very excited for our babies to get here!

  11. How exciting!! Thanks for sharing with the Tuesday Baby Link Up community! Can't wait to see pics of them!

    1. I can't wait for them to get here :) Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I am 34 weeks with fraternal twins this week! Your bump is so cute.! I was 3-4 cm dilated last week and I have been having irregular contractions for days. Wonder if I will make it to 37 weeks

  13. Congrats, I am 34 weeks with twins too! I also have a son that is going to be two in August! We will be some busy mommas
