
Saturday, May 25, 2013

What I Wish I Knew Before My C-Section

What I Wish I Knew Before My C-Section
When I had my son I never expected to end up with a c-section. I also never expected to have complications afterwards that had me in the hospital for nine days, but that's a different story for another day. Don't let that scare you about your c-section though! What happened to me was rare and will probably not happen to you.

With that being said, I'm scheduled to have my second c-section at the end of June and I am scared. I'm worried that the same thing will happen again or worse. I'm sure everything will go fine, but it's hard not to think about it. I know more about what to expect this time and can be better prepared. So to remind myself of all the things I learned last time, I made this list. Maybe it will be helpful for someone else who is facing a c-section as well.

The surgery itself was fine. I didn't feel any pain, just a lot of tugging and pulling on my insides. 

You will have an IV in your arm, a catheter and I had oxygen, I'm not sure if everyone does or not.

The epidural caused me to have uncontrollable shaking, which was the worst part about the actual surgery. My muscles in my shoulders hurt so bad, I thought they would be sore for days, but they weren't. 

Your arms will most likely be strapped down. I actually don't even remember that part and had to ask my husband if mine were or not. 

C-section recovery is going to be much harder and longer than for a vaginal birth. Remember, a c-section is major abdominal surgery. Your intestines were pulled out and after everything is put back inside and you are stitched up, your insides will be full of gas. Getting rid of that gas can be painful.

Get up and move as soon as they let you. They will probably make you get up anyways even if you don't feel like it. Moving around and walking will help get your insides back to normal.

Getting up out of bed is the hardest part. You won't be able to use your stomach muscles, just your arms and legs. It's harder than you think it will be. 

Don't eat for at least 24 hours afterwards. Make sure your intestines are working again before attempting to eat real food. They will probably make you wait until you have passed gas to make sure they are working. I'm not sure if they will make you wait 24 hours at the hospital, this is just what I plan on doing this time. 

Start taking stool softeners a few days before your surgery and keep taking them in the hospital and a few days afterwards. It will help. Also, take Gas X pills to help get rid of that awful gas. 

If you have to cough or sneeze afterwards, hold a pillow to your stomach to help with the pain. Try not to laugh at first, it will be painful.

Make sure you use a belly binder. It helps a lot with the pain and with getting everything back into place. The hospital I was at provided one for me, if yours doesn't you probably want to bring one with you.

Bring pants or underwear that are high-waisted, you don't want it to be resting right on top of your incision. Last time I just wore hospital gowns the entire time, but this time I plan on wearing regular clothes as soon as possible.

Stay on top of your pain meds. Don't try to be a hero. It's better to keep taking them regularly than to fall behind and have to catch up while being in pain. 

Even if you feel like you are back to your normal self in the first couple of weeks, don't overdo it. Your incision will hurt later on that evening.

Even now, one year after my surgery, I still have some numbness around my scar sometimes.

Delivery guilt. I know I shouldn't feel guilty, but sometimes I do. I feel like I missed out on part of having a baby. I have to remind myself that it was the best thing for my son and that all that matters is that he arrived safely with no complications.

No matter how scary it sounds, in the end it will all be worth it. That's what I will be telling myself for the next month or so!

(Linking to some of these lovely parties)


  1. Such great advice! My sister is preggers with number 2 and had to have an emergency C-section with number one. She is pretty anxious about going through everything a second time. I am sending her this link. ;) off ad space w code: HOORAY)

    1. Thanks! I know how she feels, I hope she finds it helpful :) Have a great weekend!

  2. Morning! Some great advice here, my daughter was an emergency section as her head was too big for my pelvis and she was very stuck!! Like you, it all ended up being very complicated with lots of errors on the hospital's part, and unfortunately I won't be allowed a VBAC due to her size and will be monitored very carefully before an early section. I'm anxious for next time already and that's not even on the cards just yet, but at last recover from planned sections is meant to be easier and I'll go in knowing what to expect and can come home to a house that's ready for a post op mama! I hope everything goes smoothly for you this time.

    Found you on the Sunday sync. Have a great Sunday!

    Mama H

    1. Yeah I'm hoping that since this one is planned, recovery will be much better. Hope you have a great holiday weekend!

  3. Good advice. I had an em. c-section last November. I never thought I would have one. I plan on having a VBAC next time, BUT if things don't go to plan.. again... I'll definately consider your advice.

    One thing I would add with the pain meds though, is to research what the drugs are and how the effect the baby ect before taking them. With my c-secton I was on endone every few hours, however, I was never informed of the effects it could have on bub! I was under the assumption that it was fine since they were offering it!! Anyway, nothing against taking drugs AT ALL.. the pain is terrible, but just be aware :)

    1. That's true, I don't even think I asked about that last time either. This time I will for sure though. I'm not a huge fan of taking drugs for anything but with this surgery it was necessary :) Thanks for the advice! Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Sunday morning typos! At least you recover*

    My bad!!

  5. Hi!I"m your new follower!

    1. Thanks for the follow! Hope you have a great weekend :)

  6. I found your blog today at the SSS hop; we could talk forever in real life, I bet. I just nodded all the way through this list/post. I keep saying that I'm going to do a post about my c-section, and not just the pain part, but the way it made me feel emotionally (hurt). Its something that really affects some of us and others take it with a grain of salt. (I'm sentimental). Thanks for sharing all of this great advice with everyone and I look forward to following your blog :)

    Daydreaming Realist

    1. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who feels that way :) Thanks for reading! I hope you have a great holiday weekend!

  7. I started with your most recent post and kept reading until now. I agree. My side effect - having three c-sections, the worst part is the nausea for me during the surgery. I've given up on the idea of having a VBAC, having three. Not looking forward to it at all. Anyway, 31 days left for you... 20 weeks for me. I'll be back! Stopping in from SSS.

    1. 20 weeks will fly by I'm sure :) I didn't have any nausea last time, maybe it was because I was shaking too much to notice. I'm hoping I don't this time either. Good luck with your pregnancy, I hope it goes smoothly!

  8. I've never had a C-section -- I think you moms that do deserve lots of praise, not guilt! Having a new baby is challenging - a hard recovery makes it extra tough! Speaking as a mom with four little ones, I'll just say that the hardest transition for me was from zero to one child. You'll do great!!

  9. I love your blog :) follow me and I'll follow you


  10. I had an emergency c section after 3 days of inducement. It was a relief for me to be honest, and yes get up and go as soon as you can helped a lot! It should be easier the second time, it was a relief but a surprise and I was so tired by then. At least you are day for it now, you have the scar, you know how it will feel (so weird) and can ask for help for those difficult days afterwards... You will do grand!

    1. Yikes 3 days, you are amazing! lol. I'm hoping it is easier the second time :) Have a great week!

  11. Congratulations! Your blog post was featured on the Mommy Monday link party. Please stop by to grab your "I've Been Featured" button and to link up again.

    Thanks for linking up!
    Amy @ Some of the Best Things in Life Are Mistakes

    1. That's great! I'll be sure to stop by again :)

  12. Just out of curiosity, what complications did you have? After my c section I needed a transfusion but it could have been worse. The worst part for me is that I have really little memory from that day, or the time in the hospital. And I gave the guilt too. I still mourn that I wasn't able to have a natural drug free birth. But then I look at my beautiful babies! Good luck to you in the upcoming weeks!

    1. It wasn't anything life-threatening, I got a bad ileus (a blockage in my intestines) which was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. It finally went away after nine days. But I still had awful pains in my stomach/intestines for two months until they finally figured out I had adhesions in my intestines and I had a second surgery to clean them out. After that I was better :)

      Thanks for reading my post, it's nice to know other people feel the same way :) Hope you have a great week!

  13. Hmm..just typed out a comment but I think it got deleted. For me the wort part is not having memory of that day or my time in the hospital. Everything so really fuzzy, frozen the drugs, sleep deprivation, etc. And I also have the guilt and mourn not being able to have natural drug free birth. But then I look t my beautiful babies! Good luck to you in the upcoming weeks! (Thanks for the follow!)

  14. i had to have an emergency c- section at 32 weeks my placenta abruted and i hated it at first but i didnt really have time to think about it but i was really scared i wish i would have read this before i had mine. everything is ok he is in the NICU now and will be till he is 38 weeks and i think this is a whole lot harder than the c-section but like you said get up and move around as soon as you can my total stay was 36 hours after

  15. Thank you so much!!

  16. I'm due with baby #2 this November and also had an unplanned emergency c-section with baby #1. Even though it's been 2 years the moment I found out I was pregnant I was FLOODED with fears about the same thing happening this time around. My husband and I have had many, many conversations about this and he keeps repeating to me that this time will be so different than last time since it will be planned, etc. But so many of the things you describe above are things I remember (the shaking was terrible and I was SO cold, I felt like so much of it was an out of body experience). Looking back after delivering your baby #2 what are your thoughts - did you feel that it went easier knowing it was planned?

    1. It was 100 times easier the second time with it being planned. I didn't have any shakes and the recovery was way easier. I pretty much felt back to normal two days afterwards and never had any pain after going home. I'm sure your surgery in November will be so much better than the first one! I was so worried about mine and didn't even need to be :)
