
Friday, May 10, 2013

mother's day canvas how-to

For Mother's Day this year we decided to make all the grandmas a homemade gift from little man. He is too young to get much out of it, but I had fun making them. I have seen lots of handprint and footprint crafts lately, so we decided to make one of our own.

Mother's Day Canvas

What you will need:
a small canvas - I used 8x10 inches
acrylic paint in the colors you want to use - I had purple, blue, pink and green
1/2 inch wide ribbon for edge of canvas
ribbon to use for hanger on back
hot glue gun with glue sticks
small paintbrush
foam paintbrush
sharpie marker

How to make it:
1. Use the paint to make the footprints and handprints with your child. We took off all little man's clothes and put on a paint shirt for this step since I knew it would get a little messy. Let it dry.

2. Use the small paintbrush and other paint colors to draw in the body of the butterfly and the leaves of the flower along with anything else you might want to add. Use the marker to write the child's name and date on the bottom of the canvas.

3. Once that is all dry, use the hot glue gun to glue the 1/2 inch ribbon around the entire edge of the canvas. Glue a small loop of ribbon to the back to use as a hanger. And that's it! A nice, simple craft for your child to make for grandma. Little man didn't understand the concept of making a handprint, so they looked a little odd, but he had fun playing with the paint. 


  1. Visiting from That Friday Blog Hop. I'd like to invite you to my Friday Flash Blog, where you can share your best blog entry of the week! The party goes on ALL weekend at And who knows, you may just get featured next week.


  2. Thanks for stopping by! I'll be sure to check out your blog and facebook page :)

  3. What a sweet idea! Any mom would be lucky to get this for Mother's Day :o) Just wanted to say thanks for the follow back on bloglovin'; appreciate it! Hope you're having a great Friday!

    1. Have a great weekend and a wonderful Mother's Day!
