
Saturday, May 4, 2013

a step in the right direction

I was so excited this morning because little man had slept the entire night without waking up. This is very unusual for him even though he is already 10 1/2 months old. I hope very much that this is not just a one time thing. We will find out tonight I guess. He really needs to start doing this regularly before the twins get here.

The weather has been so strange and chilly this week that we haven't been able to go outside. Last week little man got to play out on the deck in the sun for the first time and he loved it. It's supposed to be nice again Monday and Tuesday so we will be able to spend more time out there.

Right now the only camera I use is the one on my iPhone. Which does take very good pictures. Probably better than my very old digital point and shoot camera and maybe even better than my fairly old DSLR. Sadly that camera is out of commission because I have misplaced the charging cord for it.

I'm hoping to get a Nikon 1 digital camera system sometime in the near future. Maybe even before the babies arrive, since I know I will be taking tons of pictures of them. For now I use an app on my iPhone called Camera+  which seems to work very nicely. It has touch exposure and focus which you can set separately from each other and a digital zoom. It also has some pretty nice editing features so I don't even have to use a separate app for that anymore. It was definitely worth the $0.99 I spent.

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