
Sunday, May 12, 2013

30 Weeks Pregnant & Happy Mother's Day!

 Happy Mother's Day to all the mommas and grandmas out there! Its a beautiful day outside today! Today also marks 30 weeks in my pregnancy. I even took some pictures of my bump to show you all. This is a very rare thing for me as I feel like I'm huge and don't like to see what I look like. 30 weeks is a big milestone (only 49 more days...but who's counting) so I felt I should take some pictures to remember what it was like.

 Here are some facts about my babies at 30 weeks: 

  • They are about 15 to 16 inches long and weight around 3 pounds each, maybe a little more. 
  • They will hopefully gain about 1/2 pound each every week from now on. 
  • Their brains are growing and getting smarter by the minute. 
  • The little guys can now regulate their own temperature. 
  • Their skin is getting smoother. 
  • Their little hands are now strong enough to grasp a finger. 
  • They are practicing breathing on their own. 
  • Their digestive tract is fully functional. 

As for me, I have bad acid reflux off and on. My ribs are constantly hurting and it is very hard to breath sometimes. I can't eat much food at one time, so I stick with smaller meals and snacks. Basically I am very uncomfortable all of the time lately. Sounds like fun, doesn't it! One good thing though: I don't have any swelling yet. I can still wear my rings and my ankles and feet are normal. This might change when it gets hotter out, I'm hoping that drinking tons of water will help.

It might sound like its awful being pregnant with twins, and it kind of is. But in the end its all worth it and I can't wait to meet my two little boys!

(Linking up here, here, here, here, here, here and here)


  1. Congrats on your pregnancy and your twins! I'm a momma to identical twin boys that turned two in March. They are so much fun!

    I host a pregnancy/baby link up on my blog if you are interested in linking up! We'd love to have you!

    1. I love meeting other mamas who have twins! I bet your boys are lots of fun! Mine are identical too :) I'll be sure to check out your blog and link up!

  2. Love the photos! Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Thanks Anisha! Hope you had a good Mother's Day as well :)

  3. You have a tiny belly for twins! Congratulations! I am expecting my 4th child (and 1st girl) any day now! Good luck to you in the coming weeks!

    1. Aww thanks lol, I feel huge! Congrats on your little girl! I hope everything goes well :)

  4. Wow, 30 weeks is a big milestone, and you look wonderful. It'll go fast now. Congrats.

    Rhonda from Laugh Quotes

  5. How sweet!! You do NOT look huge! I actually can't believe there's two little baby boys in there!!

    Thanks for linking up for WW :)
    I'm your newest GFC follower :)


  6. How exciting and aren't you going to have your hands full soon!

  7. You honestly look great! If I had to guess, I'd say you were 30 weeks with a singleton.

    1. aww thanks! I hope you have a great weekend :)

  8. What a gorgeous bump! and for carrying twins you are so tiny :)
    I am so jealous that you get to meet yours before mine I still have 60 days until my due date :)
    I hope you have a beautiful and easy going last weeks of your pregnancy and I cant wait to read all about the twins :)


    1. Thank you! I'm sure the time will go by super fast for both of us :)

  9. awwww, congrats! And your little one is so cute!

    1. Thank you! I think he is too :) Have a great weekend!
