
Sunday, June 16, 2013

35 Weeks Pregnant with Twins (An Update)

Here we are only one week away from the big day! Well, technically its one week and 3 days but it sounds better to just call it one week. Let me just say, things are not very fun at all. These babies are the size of honeydew melons this week. says they should be about 5 1/4 pounds and 18 inches long. It is a mystery how big they actually are until they come out of course, but still, that's probably about 10 pounds of baby in there! Here's a picture of a honeydew melon to see the size. (That's not me in the picture, however). 

photo credit: laihiu via photopin cc

I had a dream last week that the babies were going to be born on the 16th (today) but that's probably just because my little boy was born on Father's Day last year. Wouldn't that be weird if these boys came on Father's Day this year?! I've been having lots of contractions and cramps so I guess you never know. They might still try to come out this week. After all, 35 weeks is the average for twin pregnancies. 

Speaking of my little man, tomorrow is his first birthday! I will be posting his birth story so stay tuned for that! I know you don't want to miss it. Here are some pictures from his first trip to the playground. Isn't he a cutie!?

Doesn't all this talk of melons make you hungry? Look how delicious they look! Hope you all have a great weekend and all the fathers and grandfathers have a wonderful Father's Day today! 

photo credit: Bisayan lady via photopin cc


(I might be linking to some of these lovely parties)


  1. My daughter was 9lb 13 at birth so I can completely sympathise with what you're lugging about, I can't imagine being that heavily pregnant with a toddler! Good luck for D day! X

    1. I think they might be a little smaller than 5 pounds still, but yeah its quite interesting :) Hope you have a great week!

  2. Wowww.. 10 pounds of baby already and you're only 35 weeks.. does that mean there will be about 11 pounds next week when you have them? You poor thing. I just realised you will have three babies under 13 months, are you ready to turn into super mum?

    1. I'm ready! (I think lol) We will have our hands full for awhile! Hope you have an awesome week!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm very excited to meet them! You know how it is being pregnant with twins at least :)

  4. My first son was born on Father's Day too! What makes it even crazier is that his father, my husband, was also born on Father's Day, as his dad's first child!

    It's funny, I linked here through My Joy Filled Life's linkup, and I realized I'd already started following you last week (haven't caught up on all my reading yet). What can I say, I'm just drawn here. Sorry your first birth was so yucky with complications afterwards...I hope it goes better this time!

    1. That is crazy and what a great story! I always get behind on my blog reading too :)

  5. Good luck!! What an exciting time for your family!
